Student Solution


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Monetary Policy During a Crisis

Monetary Policy During a Crisis

Q The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to the Federal Reserve with respect to dual mandate of price stability and full employment. Read the publication COVID-19's Effects on the Economy and the Fed's Response (Ihrig, J. et. al. 2020) and then watch the video of the remarks by the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell. While watching the video, listen for terms that you should remember from the previous module and this module, including inflation, unemployment, aggregate demand, and aggregate supply. LIVE: Fed Chair Powell speaks on economy at the annual Jackson Hole Symposium — 8/27/21. (2021). CNBC Television [Video File]. YouTube. Did the reading and video give you an appreciation for the complexities involved in ensuring that the economy is stable? Describe something that you learned from the reading and interview that you hadn't previously given much thought to. Discussion Expectations Your discussion post should fully answer the prompt above (due 11:59 p.m. CST Wednesday). Then respond to at least two of your classmates' posts by 11:59 p.m. CST Sunday. Visit the Start Here module page Discussion Criteria to view specific discussion requirements, examples, and the discussion rubric.

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Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, not only the US but most of the countries in the world were also damaged too much. For precautions, the US government declared a lockdown for a certain period of time, and for that many sectors were fully or partially closed, as a result, the unemployment rate increased too much. Due to lockdown, all sectors were affected but especially transport and tourism sectors were affected too much. But after unlocking the economy it was found that the prices of the goods have increased gradually day by day.